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Variables & Type of Literals and Operators

Variables in Python

Variables are the character(s) used to store a value to be used further in the program. For example, when you want to store roll number of a student in the program then we use some variables to store roll number data:

                     Roll_no = 35

In the above statement we use an identifier(Roll_no) to store roll number of a student of integer type. Then we can call Roll_no a numeric variable.

                     Em_name = “Sanu”

Then we can call Em_name a string variable.



In Python, you cannot use integer, float, complex number, expression as a variable as it will raise an error. You can only use characters, or identifiers to store any value.

For example:






In Python, you can use multiple assignments.  #that’s nice

For example:




Dynamic Typing

A variable who is used to store a value of one type, can be used again to store a value of different type. Python uses Dynamic Typing.

For example:


Then the output will be as follows:


Types Of Literals

(i) Numeric Literal : In Python , you can use integers, float or complex numbers as numeric literals.

Integers are the whole numbers without decimal having either positive(+) or negative(-) sign. A number without sign considered as positive.

For example: +49, -345, 89, -99,etc.

Floats are real numbers and always contain decimal point or fractional part.

For example: 5.35, -50.1, 99.99, etc.

Complex numbers are the numbers of form a+ib, where a and b are int or float type, i represents the imaginary number. a is real part of complex number and b is the imaginary part of the complex number.

(ii) String Literals : In Python, character(s) which are enclosed in quotes(single quote(‘) or double quote(“) ).

(iii) Boolean Literals : In Python, Boolean literals are used to store either True or False. True are False are the only boolean literal value.

(iv) None Literal(Special Literal) : Python has one special literal, which is None Literal. The None Literal is used to represent or points absence of value. None means nothing.

Types Of Operators

(i) Arithmetic Operators:

²  +    Addition

²  -     Subtraction

²  *    Multiplication

²  /     Division

²  **  Exponent

²  //   Floor Division

²  %  Modulus


(ii) Logical Operators:

²  or           Logical OR

²  and        Logical AND


(iii) Membership Operators:

²  in                 whether the character in sequence

²  not in          whether the character not in sequence


(iv) Relational Operators:

²  <    Less than

²  <= Less than or equal to

²  >    Greater than

²  >= Greater than or equal to

²  == Equal to

²  !=  Not equal to


(v) Bitwise Operators:

²  |     Bitwise OR

²  &   Bitwise AND

²  ^    Bitwise XOR


(vi) Assignment Operators:

²  =    Assignment

²  += Assign sum

²  -=  Assign difference

²  *= Assign Product

²  /=  Assign quotient

²  %=    Assign remainder

²  **=    Assign exponent

²  //=    Assign floor division


(vii) Identity Operators:

²  is                   is identity same?

²  is not            is identity not same?


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